Naturopathic Services

Initial Assessment

Adult $230

Youth & Child (12 and under) $150


15 min $65

30 min $115

45 min $150

60 min $180

CranioSacral Therapy

Pre-existing patients only (60min) $110


Acupuncture follow-ups (60min) $110


Initial Assessment (75 min)

In this first appointment together, you can expect to review your primary health concerns, your medical history, going over your current supplement and/or medication regime, and other indicators of health such as sleep, stress, and nutrition. A focused physical exam and vitals will be completed. For your first appointment, please bring along blood work, previous test results or imaging work you have had recently, and a list of medications/supplements. We will co-create a treatment plan together.


Our second visit is usually scheduled 2-6 weeks following the first. It is during subsequent visits that we’ll outline the steps involved in your care as we work towards identifying and treating the root cause of your concern. Ongoing follow-ups may include revisions to your treatment plan and ongoing care (e.g. acupuncture, craniosacral therapy). The number of follow-up visits will be dependent on your particular needs. This appointment is up to 60 minutes in length.

Telemedicine or Phone Consults 

Video or phone follow-up consults are available on request. 

If finances are a barrier in seeking naturopathic services, please email me. Sliding scale options always available.  

We offer direct billing to most extended healthcare plans, contact us for more details.  

Naturopathic Toolkit


Botanical Medicine

The practice of the medicinal and therapeutic use of plants. Different ways of herbal preparation may be used: teas, tinctures (alcohol based), liquid extract (glycerite), oils, salves, hydrosols, capsules, etc.

Acupuncture & Cupping

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is one of the oldest forms of organized medicine and encompasses many therapies including acupuncture and cupping. Acupuncture involves the use of very fine sterile needles inserted into points along the skin, primarily along meridians. Cupping is a technique that uses suction cups to enhance blood circulation to an area. 

Lifestyle Counselling 

Includes the foods we eat, how we move our bodies, stress, sleep, and overall mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. I listen with compassion, empathy, and provide space to be heard and affirmed. 

Craniosacral Therapy

Working with the cranial rhythm in the body, the technique involves releasing restrictions in the fascial membranes, the onion-like coverings of the brain, nerves, muscles, and organs. This is a gentle therapy that allows the body to release tension, unwind, and initiate realignment. What is generally felt is profound relaxation. 

Nourishing Nutrition

Foods can be so healing, but even more important is healing our relationship with food. I have an open-minded approach to nutrition and believe that all foods can fit into a balanced lifestyle. Sometimes specific therapeutic diets and natural supplements are recommended to support key nutritional needs.


Remedies are matched to stimulate your body’s natural healing toward a state of health. Homeopathy treats acute symptoms as well as chronic physical, emotional, and mental imbalances.

Lab Testing & Diagnostics 

Lab testing helps provide us with additional information and a better understanding of what may be contributing to your symptoms. This may include blood, saliva, urine, and stool testing. Special testing can provide more insight into hormonal issues, allergies, food sensitivities, digestive concerns, and much more. Additional fees apply.